Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024)

					View Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024)

This edition of Civilistica.com brings together several studies on the current problems of Brazilian civil liability, from dogmatics to criticism of its philosophical and sociological foundations. Particularly in terms of contractual liability, the problem of delimiting and pre-fixing the compensation amount receives particular emphasis. In the extra-patrimonial field, we highlight an interesting critical theory essay and some relevant research on the fate of compensation for collective moral damages, without neglecting the dilemmas involving the damage caused to existential interests by new technologies. The effects of time on legal relations also receive particular attention with studies on the accession of possession and on the statute of limitations in the inheritance petition action. We also adress the protection of people with disabilities and, in foreing doctrine, the dilemmas of contemporary family law. In conclusion, we would also like to recommend, in the field of comparative law, a valuable translation of an Italian study on the interpretation of legal transactions in German law. We wish you all a good reading!

Published: 2024-08-18

Contemporary doctrine