Recognition in Argentine Corporate Law of the Principles of Autonomy of the Will, of Good Faith and in the Interests of Society, of the Abuse of Rights of Majorities and Minorities and of Equal Treatment...
General principles of law, Abuse of rights, Good faith, Applications to societies, Equality between partners, Social interests, Autonomy of the will, The State as a partnerAbstract
Corporate law does not constitute an island at sea in Argentine law. The general principles of law - with the expansive force conferred on them by the preliminary title of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation - invade and inform the whole corporate dynamics; allowing the different legal institutes governed by the law of companies 19550 to have the imprint of those. In this way, the operators of the right have a duty to interpret and and to apply corporate legislation in accordance with the directives emanating from the general principles of law, always seeking a balance that allows to resolve the different conflicts in the light of the just.
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