"Electronic living will": considerations regarding the use of technology for the implementation of this kind of Advance Directives in the information society
Advance Directives, Electronic living will, Information and Communication TechnologiesAbstract
The Advance Directives, that have the purpose of specifying medical treatments to which the declarant wishes or not to be submitted when incapable of expressing him/herself autonomously, and of which the 'living will' is a type, have already been the object of a wide discussion in doctrine and jurisprudence. Thus, the problem-theme investigated in this research pervades the viability of using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for the manifestation of such statements. The hypothesis is based on the possibility that some mechanisms may be implemented to guarantee the reliability of the expressed will, by technical means that replace the classical archetypes of the law of succession - especially wills and codicils. The research will use the inductive method, with the assessment of a specific and already patented system for the implementation of this mechanism, with inflections denoted in light of the blockchain technology, from which it will be sought to infer its adequacy to the Brazilian system.
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