Plagiarism: Some Thoughts on the “Special Appeal” 1.645.746


  • Lisiane Feiten Wingert Ody Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Plagiarism, Copyright, Civil liability, Solidarity, Statute of limitations, Standard rule


The article examines the subject of plagiarism considering case decided by the STJ involving papers submitted as a requirement for an academic degree. Comparative methods are used, as well as induction, deduction and case studies. First, the facts and procedure of the case are described, after which the judge's legal opinions are examined. The concept, nature, requisites and defences of plagiarism are analysed with the aim of proving that actual malice is needed and standard rule applies in the scope of the statute of limitations and that an editor’s joint liability is dependent on an act of fault or negligence. Finally, the civil, administrative and criminal consequences are examined. Cases of plagiarism are becoming more frequent and significant, and the value of this study lies in the fact it offers criteria for understanding different hypotheses.


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Author Biography

Lisiane Feiten Wingert Ody, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Professora Associada da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS. Doutora em Direito (UFRGS), com período sanduíche junto à Universidade de Heidelberg, Alemanha. Mestre em Direito Privado (UFRGS). Especialista em Direito do Consumidor e especialista em Direito Internacional (UFRGS). Especialista em Processo Civil (PUC-RS).


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How to Cite

ODY, Lisiane Feiten Wingert. Plagiarism: Some Thoughts on the “Special Appeal” 1.645.746. revista eletrônica de direito civil, Rio de Janeiro, v. 12, n. 2, p. 1–27, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 jun. 2024.



Jurisprudence commentary