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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unprecedented, was not written with the usage of artificial intelligence and is not being assessed for publication by other journals. Otherwise, it should be justified in the “Comments for the editor” space.
  • The text follows the patterns of style and the bibliographical requirements described in Diretrizes para Autores, including formatting rules. I understand that files which do not follow the mandatory format guidelines may be rejected at any given time, even after peer approval.
  • I understand that the status of a submission on OJS does not necessarily correspond to the actual current stage of evaluation and that up-to-date information is available by e-mail (

Author Guidelines

The scientific articles, jurisprudence comments and book reviews submitted to publication must be submitted by the OJS system.


LANGUAGES. Papers can be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian or German. The works in foreign language can keep their original editorial guidelines, corresponding to their local practices.

MINIMAL TITLES. Except in the hypothesis of exceptional invites for publication, the main author of the submitted articles must have a doctorate degree (PhD).

CO-AUTHORSHIP. Co-authorship is limited to a maximum of three authors.


FORMATTING. All of the publication rules indicated here are mandatory. Non-compliance to these rules will delay the evaluation process and may result in the rejection of a submission at any given time.

The works in the vernacular must follow these guidelines:

01. Page layout: Paper Size A4; Top and Bottom Margins 2.5cm; Left and Right margins: 3.0cm. Do not insert page numbers.

02. Article Title formal: Verdana, size 12, bold, centered text. Small caps. Subtitles format: Georgia, size 11, bold, left alignment; each of the items must be numbered with Arabic numerals.

03. Text format: Georgia, size 11, highlights must be made just in Italic. Footnotes should follow the same pattern, size 9.

04. Spacing from one paragraph to other must skip one line between them.

05. The first line of each paragraph must not be indented, but it must be aligned to the margin of the page as the rest of the paragraph.

06. Paragraph format: alignment: justified; Line Spacing 1.5cm; before and after paragraphs 0pt. Eventual setup of quotation in the body of the text: Line Spacing 1.15cm, with Left Alignment of 3cm.

07. Quotation marks must be inserted before punctuation and footnote entries should be placed after punctuation, e.g.:


08. Italic should be prefered to bold or underline for highlighting words inside the text or the footnotes.

09. Author(s) must inform, both in the document attached to the submission and in the respective fields of the online form: 

i) Full name; main degrees of the author/authors; Higher Education Institute and department of which the author(s) is linked to;

Obs.: author's name, degrees and the order of authors (in case of co-authorship) must be identical both in the file attached to the submission and in the online form.

ii) Title of the article in its original language and in English;

iii) Abstract of at least five lines, in the article’s original language and in English.

iv) Three to five key words, in the original language of the article and in English.

v) Table of contents with all the titles of all the items of the article, in its original language and in English. 

For articles written in English, all of the above elements must be translated to Portuguese.

Articles without the proper indication of the title, abstract, key words and table of contents in two languages will not be accepted. 

Authorship must be informed in the same document submitted for publication.

10. The quotations must be done by footnote, numbered along the text, and they should follow the ABNT rules. In each quotation, the order should be: author’s last name – comma – author's first name – period – Title of the book in italic, only the first letter in capital case – dot – city – colon – editor – comma – year- comma – page - dot.

11. From the second quotation of the same work, the reference can be abridged with "cit.". For electronic sources, the works should follow these guidelines:

i) When it is a electronic document, if there is the page of the quote, it should be indicated;

ii) When there is no DOI, it is necessary to inform the access date of the material, in the following format: day month (abbreviated) dot year

12. Quotations of law cases should, at least, contain: tribunal, judging committee, nature and number of the process, rapporteur and judge date, in this order. For example: STJ, Xª T., REsp, Rel. Min. Axxxx Bxxxxx, j. em xx.xx.xxxx; TJRS, Xª C.C., Ap. Cív. xxxxxxx.x, Rel. Des. Cxxxx Dxxxxx, j. em xx.xx.xxxx (ou, alternativamente, publ. em xx.xx.xxxx).

13. Files must be sent in an editable format .DOC or .DOCX. Files in PDF format will not be accepted.

14. A list with full references to all citations must be inserted at the end of the article.


PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS. Except in the hypothesis of exceptional invites for publication, the submitted articles to evaluation must be unprecedented in printed material as well as in digital environment in both Portuguese and other languages. If non-compliance with this rule is detected, the article will be rejected at any time during the evaluation process, even after peer approval.

USAGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. No article prepared, in whole or in part, by means of (or with the assistance of) artificial intelligence will be accepted. If the partial use of artificial intelligence mechanisms is justified by the research object itself, this circumstance must be clarified in the "Comments" field at the time of submission. If non-compliance with this rule is detected, the article will be rejected at any time during the evaluation process, even after peer approval.

PLAGIARISM. The detection of plagiarism will result in the submission being rejected at any time, even after publication.


EVALUATION. The selection of works for publication is under the competence of the executive committee of the journal and of reviewers chosen by it. In the double-blind peer review system. The reviewers can make scientific suggestions and, if these are accepted by the author, a new analysis will occur.

Please note: the evaluation process will prioritize the chronological order of submissions. The evaluation process will usually take up to ten months.


Updated in January 2024.

Contemporary doctrine

In order to publish in this section, it is required the compliance with the publication rules (see more in publication standards), in which there is the necessity of the title and the abstract in English, as well as the keywords in both languages (the original language of the article and English). The received texts are submitted to the double-blind peer review system, right after of being evaluated preliminarily by the executive editor, jointly with a member of the Executive committee. All this process has the purpose of checking the suitability of the material in relation to the editorial line of the journal.

Foreign doctrine

In order to publish in this section, it is required the compliance with the publication rules (see more in publication standards), in which there is the necessity of the title and the abstract in English, as well as the keywords in both languages (the original language of the article and English). The received texts are submitted to the double-blind peer review system, right after of being evaluated preliminarily by the executive editor, jointly with a member of the Executive committee. All this process has the purpose of checking the suitability of the material in relation to the editorial line of the journal.


The compliance with the publication rules is not required in this section, such as the abstract and key words in the original language of the text and the English version of the title, abstract and key words. The text is not submitted to the double-blind peer review system. The material to be published is decided by the Executive Committee from the received original works through the contact email ( or through an invitation made by a member of the Editorial Committee. It is required the originality of the presented translation and it also needs to represent some legal relevance and suitability to the editorial line.


The compliance with the publication rules of the journal is not required in this section. The material to be published is directly selected by the Executive Committee of in accordance with its legal relevance and its suitability to the editorial line.

National opinions

The compliance with the publication rules of the journal is not required in this section. The material to be published is directly selected by the Executive Committee of in accordance with its legal relevance and its suitability to the editorial line.

Foreign opinions

The compliance with the publication rules of the journal is not required in this section. The material to be published is directly selected by the Executive Committee of in accordance with its legal relevance and its suitability to the editorial line.

Jurisprudence commentary

To publish in this section, it is required the compliance with the publication rules (see more in publication standards), except for the indication of the English version of the title, abstract and key words. The original texts are not submitted to the double-blind peer review system. The material to be published is decided by the Executive Committee from the received original works through the contact email ( or through an invitation made by a member of the Editorial Committee. It is required the originality, and it should present some legal relevance and suitability to the editorial line.

Foreign jurisprudence

To publish in this section, it is required the compliance with the publication rules (see more in publication standards), except for the indication of the English version of the title, abstract and key words. The original texts are not submitted to the double-blind peer review system. The material to be published is decided by the Executive Committee from the received original works through the contact email ( or through an invitation made by a member of the Editorial Committee. It is required the originality, and it should present some legal relevance and suitability to the editorial line.


To publish in this section, it is required the compliance with the publication rules (see more in publication standards), except for the indication of the English version of the title, abstract and key words. The original texts are not submitted to the double-blind peer review system. The material to be published is decided by the Executive Committee from the received original works through the contact email ( or through an invitation made by a member of the Editorial Committee. It is required the originality, and it should present some legal relevance and suitability to the editorial line.


The compliance with the publication rules is not required in this section, such as the abstract and key words. It is also not necessary the English version of the title and the text is not submitted to the double-blind peer review system. The material to be published is decided by the Executive Committee from the received original works through the contact email ( or through an invitation made by a member of the Editorial Committee. It is required the originality, and the review should present some legal relevance and suitability to the editorial line.

Translations & Comments

The compliance with the publication rules is not required in this section, such as the abstract and key words in the original language of the text and the English version of the title, abstract and key words. The text is not submitted to the double-blind peer review system. The material to be published is decided by the Executive Committee from the received original works through the contact email ( or through an invitation made by a member of the Editorial Committee. It is required the originality of the presented translation and it also needs to represent some legal relevance and suitability to the editorial line.

Privacy Statement collects from users of its OJS system only the full name, mini-resume, country of origin, institution of affiliation, ORCID number and email address provided at the time of article submission. The email address is intended solely for internal communication between the journal team and the authors and will not be communicated to third parties, unless the author voluntarily chooses to also inform it in the mini-résumé in their article, in which case it will appear in the body of the published article. The ORCID number will appear on the article's publication page if the author has informed it at the time of submission. The full names, CVs, country of origin and institution of affiliation of the authors are intended to identify the authorship of the articles and will necessarily appear in the published articles.

No other personal information should be provided at any time by the authors. For simple access and reading of the magazine's contents, no information is required.